Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Fill In

What do you see your life like in 10 years?
Probally with another child by then, hopefully a boy. My husband retiring from the Army or close near to it. Living a happy and content life.
What do you like most about your job?
No job at the moment. Wrapping up school and hoping to get one in NY.
What are three things you do every day, no matter what day it is?
Take care of my child, clean and cook
What would you do with an extra five hours in your day today?
workout again, clean, study more and spend more family time
What is your favorite Christmas (or whichever holiday you celebrate) cookie recipe (please share!)? My favorite cookie recipe is white chocolate chip cookie. The one you find on the tollhouse candy packages. It is so delicous :P


Anonymous said...

Fellow fill-in participant here--I really like that one of your ten-year goals is to be living a happy and content life. Too many people don't see a distinction between happiness and contentment, but they are different. I think it's important to seek both. :-)